A political post

This is a political post.
To my fellow Americans in my Facebook and Linkedin bubbles,
recent events motivate me to comment on political affairs related to my current home country, Germany. As most of you know, I am a dual German-American citizen. I received US citizenship by birth and German citizenship by kinship. When it comes to ethnicity, my parents come from very different spheres within the German-speaking cultural domain, Bavaria on the one hand and the Rhineland on the other. So, what is ethnicity anyway? You decide.
Which leads me to current global affairs.
Perhaps the most prominent advisor of the US President-elect advocates for the party called AfD, most notably in the German news outlet "WELT".
Let us be clear: The aim of the AfD is the abolishment of German basic constitutional law, the Grundgesetz, in order to establish a two-class system rooted in the assumption that a clearly defined German ethnicity or "blood" actually exists that should receive preferred legal treatment. At the very least, the party gives the public the very strong impression that is what they want.
What do you want for your closest allies? A democratically constituted republic or an ethnofascist domain?
Now just imagine a world where you are discriminated before the law based on someone declaring your genetics don't match those of the current holders of power. Sound familiar?
If the most prominent advisor of the president-elect advocates for a two-class political system based on ethnicity in one of the closest allied countries of the US, just think a minute about what their intentions might be for the homeland.
Do you think that is cool? I effing don't.
Thanks for your attention,
your pal, Mark
(Photo: Las Vegas Police)



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