Road to Bavarity – part 4

My road to "Bavarity" began with crises. What is their impact on the built space of society, under which circumstances can planning and preparedness, reconstruction and recovery be successful, how can we adapt to recurring forms of crisis in a sustainable manner? In this context, it is important to show solutions, to present adequate, beautiful, useful and good built examples. It is no surprise that they exist in Bavaria. A few years ago the Bavarian Chamber of Architects (BYAK) asked me to write essays on the culture of building in the Free State. The occasion was the anniversary of the Architektouren, the annual initiative of the BYAK to communicate successful architecture, urban design, urban planning and landscape architecture projects to the public. The Architektouren serve as an invitation to visit new and exceptional built examples in cities and on the countryside and to speak with the responsible actors. This corresponds to the way I worked on the essays. I proposed an initial idea to my clients and discussed it with them, which resulted in the development of the essay concept. I also suggested a selection of examples and interview partners responsible for current planning and design projects and initiatives. I am thankful for the permission to use the essays for one chapter in my book. One might say, that is exactly where they belong.

"Bavarität: Krisenbewältigung im baukulturellen Raum" is available from Springer Spektrum and all booksellers. 


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