Road to Bavarity – part 2

The road to "Building Bayern" as a book project – the prototype of "Bavarity" – opened before me a few years ago. I was invited to the editorial office of the German architecture magazine Der Baumeister. On the occasion, I became acquainted with the editor-in-chief at the time, Alexander Gutzmer. He told me about his idea to create a special edition of the magazine dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the modern Free State of Bavaria following the end of World War II and the feudal Kingdom of Bavaria. In the course of our conversation we developed a number of interesting and appealing ideas on how to discuss whether "Bavarian architecture" actually existed. We refer to Swiss architecture or Dutch architecture so often we no longer question them. But Bavarian architecture? Actually, not that simple! Yet also very appealing. My personal contributions to the Baumeister edition on "New Architecture in Bavaria" was an important step towards deliberating on how to describe the cultural interaction between society and built space in Bavaria.

"Bavarität: Krisenbewältigung im baukulturellen Raum" is available from Springer Spektrum and all booksellers.


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