Architecturewriter – who is writing?

In this blog, who is writing about what? The answer: Mark Kammerbauer, an architectural researcher and urbanist. I am an author in the field of architectural design, building culture, urban planning and environmental risk. Since 2007 I have researched international case studies on post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. Following seven years of practice in architecture and urban planning offices and institutions and ten years of teaching and research at universities across the globe I founded an agency for services in the architecture and planning publishing business – the Nexialist Agency for Research and Communication, located in the heart of Europe in the Bavarian city of Landshut. In other words, the main topic I work on and write about are cities – spanning the architecture, the surrounding environment and how people bring these spaces and places to life. This is also what motivates me to write in this blog. The posts to follow will focus on my currently most important project: the book titled "Bavarität: Krisenbewältigung im baukulturellen Raum". It deals with the idea of Bavarity as a socio-spatial concept and how it can contribute to how people cope with crisis. I will be happy to report on how the book developed and what it is about. Stay tuned!

"Bavarität: Krisenbewältigung im baukulturellen Raum" is available from Springer Spektrum and all booksellers.


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